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O Podcast da Prova Oral.

Acabo de lançar uma nova aplicação no Google Play chamada Prova Oral. Um dos meus programas de rádio favoritos. Esta app permite descarregar os podcast da Prova Oral e ouvir quando quiser, ou ouvir directamente da internet sem descarregar.
Tem também um menu para poder participar no programa em directo, por chamada, Facebook ou email.


  1. Hi,

    Prova Oral looks like a great app!

    Is your app getting as many installs as you'd like it to?

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    Today we have an amazing offer- we'll submit your app to 155 iPhone App Review Sites on your behalf AND we'll also provide you with a full spreadsheet listing each website URL and contact details that we used for each one. (So you can reuse our resources for your future apps) AND we will also promote your app with a link on a Facebook profile that has over 4000 app review followers... The BONUS promotion of publishing your app to 4000 app review followers on Facebook is for a limited time.. you get this AND the 155 app review requests all within this package!

    Learn more today at the link below. Space is limited and this offer ends tomorrow!

    And please let me know if you have any questions about getting app reviews and more installs for Prova Oral.



    Jen (YourAppReport.com)
    (608) 492-1872


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